". For him to be in the position he holds, several people are guilty of serious lapses of judgement. Community Cenacolo, begun in the 80s, is a program designed for alcohol and drug addicts. She describes her family life as a life “made of many sacrifices”. 5:23. Anche suor Aurelia ha salutato Madre Elvira ringraziandola per la sua grande fede.È sempre un grande regalo averla con noi perché ha seguito la nostra Madre sin dall’inizio ed è per tutti noi un esempio luminoso ed una presenza importante. I have said that the organization is not above lying. "(Papa Francesco Angelus 24 maggio 2020). Here is a thread on the Cult Education Institute's forums about the group: http://forum.culteducation.com/read.php?14,7788,page=1. Quest’anno, a causa dell’emergenza COVID, sembrava difficile poter festeggiare insieme la Pentecoste: eppure, domenica, attraverso la modalità streaming, la Madonna ci ha riuniti nel “Cenacolo” della Casa di Formazione con Madre Elvira, Padre Stefano e le “Suore Missionarie della Risurrezione” ed è stata una festa. Those "responsibles" are so mentally unstable and toxic, I would be concerned for the safety of anyone they have power over. Her picture is displayed prominently in Cenacolo dining halls, sometimes surrounded by rays of sunlight. I have seen people advised to lie to and withhold information from young men at Community for the "working days" period - an orientation phase intended to allow the potential Community entry to discern if he wants to join. Comunità Cenacolo was first established in Italy in 1983, by Italian Sister Elvira Petrozzi, a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity, whose concern about the troubling conditions of so many youth in society, prompted her to petition her superiors for the freedom to pursue what she discerned to be, a new calling, the Cenacle Community. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, http://forum.culteducation.com/read.php?14,7788,page=1. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. There is an intense devotion to Mother Elvira, the founder of Community Cenacolo. Sign in to add this video to a playlist. La chiamata è una sorpresa bellissima che lo Spirito Santo ha fatto alla vita di ognuna di noi e siamo felicissime di aver potuto rinnovare, durante la Celebrazione Eucaristica, i voti di povertà, castità, obbedienza e servizio e amore ai poveri. Di seguito il programma dei quattro giorni della festa dal 16 al 19 luglio. Grazie per la vostra generosità che è Provvidenza di Dio per noi! E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. I was losing count as I read and got progressively more angry for you and your fellow victims)). ... Festa della Vita 2013, Comunità Cenacolo - Duration: 1:48. marcociva 2,326 views. Dopo la comunione abbiamo regalato a Madre Elvira un altro canto che lei ama moltissimo: “Veni Sponsa Cristi” (“Vieni Sposa di Cristo e prendi la corona che Dio ha preparato per te da sempre). "Young guys", people with less than six months in Community, are not allowed to be alone with, or even speak to, each other. To access information please enter your username and password! Durante l’offertorio noi suore abbiamo cantato il “Suscipe”, un canto in latino le cui parole sono la preghiera di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola: “Prendi Signore e ricevi tutta la mia libertà, la mia memoria, la mia intelligenza…dammi solo il tuo amore e la tua grazia e questo mi basta”. I guess I would like help trying to decide what crimes the group may have committed. 437 likes. Even though they live as a part of the great family of Comunità Cenacolo, they live the charisma of consecrated life. He disregards the rules and procedures of Community life and functioning, speaking and using his smart phone during rosaries and interrupting people "maintaining their commitments" to make frivolous and unserious remarks. I'd rather be on the bottom of normal society than a member of any sort in Community Cenacolo. \n But I'm not sure why Marco was so upset considering that, wouldn't you know, it turned out that Marco had planned to himself transfer to Alabama a few weeks following Juno's move. According to Chris Felix, the leadership used to alter the text of some letters sent from members to parents before those letters were sent out. Clicca qui per visualizzarel'informativa sulla privacy e le norme sull'utilizzo dei cookies di questo sito, Associazione San Lorenzo - ONLUSComunità CenacoloVia San Lorenzo 35 - 12037 Saluzzo (CN) - Italia tel +39 0175 46122 - fax +39 0175 476369e-mail:  Members received a tour of the home, giving them a better understanding of the property and the work tasks of the house, and joined those at the house for pizza made in their wood-burning oven. Comunità Cenacolo America | 9485 Regency Square Blvd, Ste. And while I would understand wanting to leave it behind, your knowledge of what is going on inside there could potentially help others by way of police intervention. "The Festival of Life was born on the 10th anniversary of the birth of the Community, to show with a living experience that Jesus is risen. Michael." I've been hesitant to speak to the authorities further, but maybe that is a good idea. Mons. "Gesù è ancora e sempre tra noi: da qui derivano la nostra forza, la nostra perseveranza e la nostra gioia,proprio dalla presenza di Gesù tra noi con la forza dello Spirito Santo. Abbiamo scelto di creare una “video danza” su un canto scritto tanti anni fa da Gilberto, un figlio della Comunità che è già in Cielo. TESTIMONIANZA DI VITA Keri Solo Grazie ALZIAMOCI!! Beth Gutman, DM, recently arranged for a group of members to bring several car-loads of items to the Cenacolo house of Our Lady of Hope in St. Augustine. (I have no problem with the necessary eradication of venomous snakes, and I understand that killing a snake is a less serious matter than killing a large mammal. We don’t watch television (unless we watch a nice movie, or a sporting game together) or listen to music (with the exception of what we ourselves sing, or some clean music). This is "CREDO - Comunità Cenacolo - Tour 2014" by Comunità Cenacolo on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. If it's necessary to pick which responsible is worse, the choice is decidedly Jeremy Rieser. var addy24878 = 'info' + '@'; Over the course of my time at one of their two communes in Florida, I became increasingly disgusted with the leadership. A mean and rude person, Albino is, in my opinion, himself unfit for leadership. It is nothing short of amazing that Mr. Rieser was given a position of trust, and that he is likely to be the next head responsible of Our Lady of Hope. CREDO nella MISERICORDIA. Sautau's answer amounts to an advertisement for the program and the request that we look to the word of Community Cenacolo and its leadership - hardly unbiased sources - as indisputable evidence of the program's effectiveness, of the good character of its leadership, and that my story may be completely dismissed. For 9 months from January to October of this year I lived on Cenacolo's main American campus in St. Augustine Florida. Listen to free internet radio, news, sports, music, and podcasts. The "responsibles" - that is, the top leaders of the particular community in which I lived - Chris Felix and Jeremy Reiser were guilty of killing wildlife and feral cats and kittens in the area in cruel and heinous ways. Stream live CNN, FOX News Radio, and MSNBC. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; "She will be a saint!" Comunita Cenacolo America will celebrate its 16th anniversary at 7 p.m. Saturday with the presentation of the biblical drama "Prodigal Son." it is said. He talks about demons - literal evil spiritual intelligences - which he encounters and which torment him. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per … Someone associated with an embassy contacted me saying they wanted to have me interviewed, but never followed through. Community Cenacolo America caters to the rich and the extremely wealthy. suor elvira fondatrice della comunita cenacolo All letters coming in or out of the community, including letters to or from parents, are read by some member of the leadership (Not merely checking the insides of envelopes and packages for contraband, which would be understandable, but reading the entire text of letters.). //--> One morning while in a terrible mood he vented his anger and frustration by chewing out a 17 year-old boy (Pick on someone your own size!). He ensured that Juno was working with him virtually all day every day. Elvira Petrozzi, the foundress of Comunita Cenacolo, was born into a poor family living in Sora of Alessandria, Italy, during the time of World War II. document.write('span>'); Its members live a spiritual, quasi-monastic lifestyle centered around prayer and work on one of its many communes in Europe and America. A good proportion of the young men living in the houses in Florida and Alabama come from families in high socio-economic groups. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per … For Jeremy, everything in his surroundings and immediate experience is full of meaning and signs of the working of intelligent, incorporeal forces. Marco, Chris Felix, and Jeremy Reiser are not isolated cases. Community Cenacolo, begun in the 80s, is a program designed for alcohol and drug addicts. Among the many ways he putts off and alarms guests are the descriptions he gives to them of his encounters with angels and demons. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Madre Elvira ha sempre amato moltissimo questo canto ed è per noi molto commovente vedere che oggi la nostra Madre, con la sua vita e portando la croce con tanto amore, incarna le parole di questa preghiera. These sorts of behavior show disrespect for those struggling with the difficulties of living Community life. Its members live a spiritual, quasi-monastic lifestyle centered around prayer and work on one of its many communes in Europe and America. For this reason, the entire house received a stern, angry lecture and stream of insults from Albino: "You are losers. Clicca qui per saltare il video e vai subito al sito della Comunità Cenacolo Comunità Cenacolo America | 9485 Regency Square Blvd, Ste. It is communal life, and life in which the leadership controls and monitors all access and interaction with the outside world, as rare as such access and interaction occurs. 110, Jacksonville, FL 32225 | (904)501-7872 110, Jacksonville, FL 32225 | (904)501-7872 Before I left, it was discovered that someone had told a person on orientation that Community "sucked", and that this comment had played an important role in convincing that person not to join. Jeremy will often speak in a threatening way towards someone who has especially angered him, threatening to or expressing the desire to smash in the head of the person he is addressing. Sign in. And I have a host of other complaints to make against them. I already mentioned that he and Chris killed feral cats and kittens, but he also has smashed a baby bird with a hoe and has been engaged in an ongoing obsessive crusade against the snakes on the property, nailing them to trees and smashing their heads into pavement. Often when viewing videos of the nun, "older guys" will openly weep. But this insanity is more than extreme aggression. In the past, responsibles of the two male communities in Florida have been guilty of purchasing drugs with money stolen from a house budget, using drugs at Our Lady of Hope and Mary Immaculate, using inhalants (I've seen "older guys" doing this. Ex-members who have left without Community's or Albino's blessing, who have "left too early", are vilified or said to have been clearly in the wrong. La mattinata è iniziata con la preghiera del Rosario e l’immancabile “scintilla di Luce” di Madre Elvira che ci ha ricordato l’importanza di amare e affidarci alla Vergine Maria perché è Lei che ha raccolto gli apostoli nel Cenacolo ed è grazie alla Sua fede che lo Spirito Santo ha potuto trasformare quegli undici discepoli impauriti e dubbiosi in missionari forti e coraggiosi. You were on the bottom of the society outside." (The latter donated the property - which had been intended to be a safe haven after Y2K - on which Our Lady of Joyful Hope is situated.). I myself from personal experience have become thoroughly convinced that Cenacolo and the people in charge of the program are not above bending the truth and outright lying, and, while believing that everyone should be allowed to tell his or her side of the story, would certainly not recommend their version of all that happens on their communes and of what happened in my case in particular as the final word. ... Sign in to add this to Watch Later Add to Comunità Cenacolo America | 9485 Regency Square Blvd, Ste. Lo Spirito di Gesù Risorto è sceso con potenza per farci vivere momenti di preghiera intensa e di gioia profonda e per farci sentire che, anche se non possiamo ancora fisicamente stare insieme, siamo comunque un’unica grande famiglia. No "safe", normal group would react to derogatory remarks against it and dissent in such an angry and dramatic way.